Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Deal Amazon's Blog....

It was just the other day when I bought a PS3 at a hefty price tag of $399, one of my friends told me a deal or rather a step guide to get the same for $212. Looking at the price difference it was around 50%. (Now most of you might think it to be some kind of freebie offer or some spam email offer, well its not , the whole thing required you to deal with Sony directly.)Like all of you reading this, I had only one question, What?????? Why the hell then did I buy that for the double the price ? His answer was..........Cause you didn't have the correct and reliable information.

This statement of his egged me on. In spite of lacking in the level of tech-savviness(I guess thats the correct word) I started to go through the searches Google spit out on the words "Deals and coupons".

After checking out many sites, many of which felt like a freebie farms(just an afterthought, these freebie offers make me feel like I am playing Roulette, if you get my meaning), on the fourth day, I landed on the exact page as the PS3 deal. Four days!! Four days are helluva a time on "one sec there and gone in another" world of deals. So, the problem was how to get this kind of lucrative deals out in open?

Then an idea struck me. Why not create a place to share big deals like these with others. This blog will be just the way to do it.

PS: I added this for those looking for an underlying clause. There isnt any. All deals, discussed would be with an authentic store.

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